Wednesday, March 5

Who Invented Homework And Why


Homework is one of the most effective ways to improve academic performance and help students succeed in school. But the history of homework is more complex than you might think. Approximately 85% of parents believe that it has a positive impact on their child’s education, but not everyone agrees.

Critics argue that homework can be detrimental to children and teens, as too much of it may stress them out, take up time that they would otherwise spend with friends or family, or even be unfair to those who cannot afford books or other academic resources at home. And no matter how many times we tell ourselves “stop and smell the roses!” we tend to overlook this advice when it comes to our kids. We want them to succeed in life beyond high school and feel homework gives them the edge.

Who invented homework?

No one really knows when homework was first assigned. However, some historians say it dates back to the late 1800s when schools began assigning daily reading and math exercises. While others suggest it has been around since antiquity when students were expected to write out passages from books or copy out math problems.

History of homework
History of homework

Most research suggests that homework, as we know it today, was first assigned in the 1900s when the progressive education movement took off and standardized testing began.

Why do schools assign homework?

Schools assign homework to help students retain the knowledge they have learned throughout the day. Students often have a lot of information thrown at them throughout the day, and they have little time to process and retain all of it. It helps them review and reflect on what they have learned in school.

It also gives parents an opportunity to work with their children on what they’ve learned. In addition to reviewing lessons, it also gives students practice with skills they have learned but have not yet mastered, as well as challenges they have yet to conquer. It also allows schools to test new teaching methods and ideas. If it works, it can be applied to future classes.

How effective is homework?

Homework can vary in effectiveness depending on how it is assigned, what is being studied and how much time is spent working on it. The overall effectiveness of homework is largely debated among researchers and educators. In an article published in the Washington Post, Maria Dismond-Crespo, an associate professor of educational psychology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, reported findings from a study of its effectiveness. She and her team found that it had a positive impact on students’ math, reading, and writing skills.

However, the effectiveness of homework varies based on the grade level. For example, math homework is most effective for middle school students, while elementary school pupils benefit most from reading exercises.

Too much homework is bad for kids

Every child is different, and one size does not fit all when it comes to homework. Different students have different needs, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to assigning them. When kids have too much homework, they may miss out on other important aspects of childhood, such as socializing with friends and family, participating in sports or extracurricular activities, or exploring their creative side.

Kid with homework
Kid with homework

What’s more, some research suggests that too much homework may actually be bad for students’ academic performance. This may be because the additional work does not improve learning. Instead, it may actually inhibit the acquisition of new knowledge.

When is it effective?

Homework becomes effective when it is parent-led, serves a specific purpose, and is properly timed. In other words, it should be useful, have a defined aim, and be assigned at an appropriate time. Juveniles aren’t always mature enough to manage their own time.

Therefore, parents should be involved in the homework process, whether that means helping their children with their assignments or putting a cap on the amount of time spent working on them.


As you can see, homework has been debated for many years. Some studies suggest that it is extremely beneficial for students, while others report that it causes more harm than good. What’s clear, though, is that it does not benefit all students in the same way or to the same degree. How it impacts students depends on a number of factors, such as the grade level, the subject being studied, and the student’s learning style.

Moreover, whether or not homework is beneficial to a child depends greatly on the type of homework they are given and the amount they are assigned. So while there may be some benefits to assigning them, it’s important to remember that there are also drawbacks, and it’s okay to let your child off the hook once in a while!

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