United States of American Air Force is going to celebrate its 75th Birthday or diamond jubilee on this month of September. USAF which is called United States Air Force, the earliest Armed forces of United States among its five branches. The main duty of USAF to protect the United States spaces, air and cyberspace.

Highlight On USAF
The first secretary of the air force, chief justice Fred Vinson officially launch this new branch of United States military on 18th of September, 1947. This branch of US military became bigger and improve its activities only because of the improvement in new aviation technology. National security Act of 1947, which is signed by President Harry Truman on board the presidential aircraft to set USAF in motion on July 26, 1947. USAF also add its new organization Air Force Space Command (AFSC) for space to run their military operation on September 1st, 1982.

On December 20, 2019, USAF also established United States Space Force because they realize that space is more important for the country to provide better service in space to protect military, develop and operate strong communication system in space. AFSC was established my merging the twenty three air forces of the nation and Jay Raymond became its first chief of space operation.
Air Force Facts that we must know
On 2006, provisional cyber command was created by the Air force which was first service branch ever. Ronald Reagan provide his services in air force before 1947 while there was two US presidents served their services as airmen – George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.
Do you know, what the air force plane called while carrying America president?
That is “Air Force One” but in fact it is not plane but only call that name by the radio. “The U.S. Air Force” is the official song of UNAF which cover one important line, “off we go into the wild blue yonder”.
Blue and yellow are the colors used in force which indicate the sky and the sun respectively.

If we see, there are only four percent of all air force personnel are as pilots. Some celebrities also serves their services in US air force. They are:
- Jimmy Stewart
- Chuck Norris
- Morgan Freeman
- Hunter S. Thompson
- Gene Roddenberry creator of “Star Trek”
CIA also celebrate its birthday with US air force. USAF mainly focuses on the five important key for the skies which covers information superiority, precision engagement, combat support, air and space superiority and global presence. Also this is the second largest U.S. military branch which present worldly with bases that span three continents. It is full of employment opportunity sector and service which provide more than 215 careers.
Some important Dates and Data of United Air Force
This branch of service provides full security and services through sky and space to protect and secure the whole United States of America. Let’s look on some important dates of UNAF

Dates | Events |
1907 | On Aug 1, 1907 USAF became a part of US army |
1947 | USAF became official branch on September 18, 1947 |
1976 | First women point and also 157 women joined the cadet wing of USAF |
1983 | URGENT FURY the first mission of USAF |
2006 | USAF academy bring $1 billion dollar multi year plan into the campus |
2010 | RPA(Remotely Piloted Aircraft) training added into curriculum |
Some data of its equipment
- 170 military satellites tracking data
- 4 types of attack aircraft
- 9 types of VIP staff transportation
- 5373 number of USAF manned aircraft
One more thing is that any USAF armies technical training can take from 6 to 72 weeks which is mainly depend on the career path which is selected by applicants.
We will come with more facts and data on United States Air Force till read more facts on our website Factsghost. Happy 75th Birthday to USAF.