Tuesday, March 11

Tag: Oceans

Discovered Only 5% Oceans On The Earth, Facts About Oceans

Discovered Only 5% Oceans On The Earth, Facts About Oceans

Image-of-Sunset-Oceans In this world, only 5% of oceans are mapped which covered almost 70% surface of the planet and about 96.5% of the water on the earth. Also, 70% oxygen of the earth is from the ocean where we can find about 94% of the earth's wildlife. Some Facts About The 5 Oceans The Pacific Ocean, which is the largest ocean in this world contains 30% surface of the world and the deepest area of the Ocean, the Mariana Trench which is located in the South Pacific Ocean. Some parts of the ocean contain fresh ice which is safe to drink and use. It is also reported that Ninety percent volcanic related activity occurs in the ocean. We can also find forty thousand three hundred and ninety (40,390) miles which are almost equal to 65,169 kilometer-long mountain ranger underwater, c...