Thursday, March 6

Tag: Chainsaws

Why were chainsaws invented?

Why were chainsaws invented?

It is scary and surprising to hear that chainsaws were originally made for medical procedures. We all are somewhat scared to use chainsaws, it has very sharp blade to cut apart but it was made with the concept of helping with childbirth. Let's explore some more info about chainsaws. Table of ContentsChainsaws were originally invented for helping with childbirthTypes of chainsawsManual / Pocket sawsBattery-powered sawsCorded-electric sawsGas-powered sawsPole sawsPneumatic saws Chainsaws were originally invented for helping with childbirth You must have felt weird to hear the news but it was originally made for assisting in childbirth. All the babies had to be passed through the birth canal before the common use of the caesarian section. When the babies are breech or too large t...