Friday, October 18

Top 10 Worst Prisons in the World: A Guide to the Most Terrifying Places on Earth

Worst Prisons
Worst Prisons

‍Most people would never want to end up in the worst prisons. The thought of being locked up inside a cell for 23 hours a day, not being able to leave whenever you want and not having access to an abundance of things that we take for granted on a daily basis is generally something that most of us wouldn’t wish upon anyone.

However, the sad reality of the matter is that there are some of the worst prisons in the world that are so terrible, they’re practically a living hell for the inmates who are unfortunate enough to be locked up there. These are places where if you’re unlucky enough to get caught and sentenced, you will likely spend the rest of your time on Earth thinking about when you can finally get out again.

These prisons might look like they belong in some scary movie, but they are all very real and exist right now. Here is our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world.

List of Top 10 Worst Prisons in the World

Tanners Road Prison, Kingston, Jamaica

First on our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world is the Tanners Road Prison in Kingston, Jamaica, which has been recognized as one of the most violent prisons in the world. The prison is notorious for its extreme levels of violence, poor hygiene, and terrible conditions.

Tanners Road Prison, Kingston, Jamaica
Tanners Road Prison, Kingston, Jamaica

The prison is said to be so dangerous that it’s been nicknamed “The Zone,” and it’s estimated that around 50% of inmates are serving life sentences. The prison is known to house some of the most notorious criminals in the country, including drug dealers, murderers, and even members of gangs that are not affiliated with the Jamaican government.

In fact, the prison even houses members of organized criminal groups who are serving sentences for crimes committed outside of Jamaica. This prison has a reputation for being extremely violent, and it’s not uncommon for inmates to get killed during violent prison riots. The prison is so dangerous that inmates are even at the risk of being attacked by prison guards.

El Buen Pastor Women’s Jail in Guatemala City

Second, on our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world is the El Buen Pastor Women’s Jail in Guatemala City. This is a women’s prison that has been described as one of the most horrendous prison facilities in the entire world. The prison is so bad that it has even been given the title of “the worst prison in the world” by many human rights organizations and news sources.

El Buen Pastor Women’s Jail in Guatemala City
El Buen Pastor Women’s Jail in Guatemala City

The prison is notorious for having terrible hygiene conditions and being infested with insects like rats and cockroaches. Some reports have even claimed that rats can be seen running across the floor of the cells and eating the crumbs off the tables. These hygiene conditions are so bad that diseases like scabies and gastroenteritis are extremely common among inmates.

The cells at this prison are so cramped and overcrowded that the inmates often have to sleep on the floor or stay in their beds all day long because there is no space to walk around.

Kandhar Central Prison in Afghanistan

Third, on our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world is the Kandhar Central Prison in Afghanistan. This is a prison that has been open for over 30 years, and it’s known for being extremely overcrowded. In fact, at one point it was the most overcrowded prison in the world, with conditions inside being described as “inhumane.”

Kandhar Central Prison in Afghanistan
Images credit Washington post

The prison has a capacity of just over 100 prisoners, but it’s estimated that there are around 2,000 people locked up inside the facility, many of whom have not even been convicted of a crime yet. As you can imagine, the conditions inside the prison are absolutely terrible, with inmates being forced to sleep on the floor and going without proper sanitation facilities. The overcrowding also means that inmates are at risk of catching infectious diseases like tuberculosis and scabies.

San Juan de Lurigancho Prison in Peru

Fourth, on our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world is the San Juan de Lurigancho Prison in Peru. This is a notorious prison that has been known to house some of the most violent and dangerous inmates in the world. The prison is so dangerous that it has been nicknamed “The Black Palace of the Pacific,” and it’s been reported that it’s more like a “death trap” than a place of rehabilitation.

san juan de lurigancho prison
san juan de lurigancho prison

The prison is so dangerous and notorious that it’s even been featured in several popular TV shows, including “Caged” and “Lockdown.” The prison is so violent and dangerous that it even has a reputation for being home to some of the most dangerous gangs in the world. It’s estimated that around 4,000 inmates are locked up inside the prison, and violent fights and riots are said to be extremely common.

La Sante Prison in Paris, France

Fifth, on our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world is the La Sante Prison in Paris, France. This prison is notorious for having terrible conditions and being very overcrowded. It’s been reported that the conditions are so bad that some inmates have even started to protest and riot against the authorities.

La Sante Prison in Paris, France
La Sante Prison in Paris, France

The prison is very old and dilapidated, and the conditions are said to be so bad that some prisoners have even resorted to eating rats to survive. The prison is so overcrowded that many inmates have been forced to sleep on the floor, and there’s so little room that prisoners are given just one hour a day to walk around. The food at the prison is also said to be very low quality, and there are reports of prisoners being given rotten food.

La Sabaneta Prison, Venezuela

Sixth, on our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world is La Sabaneta Prison is one of the worst prisons in the world. It’s also one of the most lawless and violent places you can ever be in. Its official name was Maracaibo National Prison.

La Sabaneta Prison, Venezuela
La Sabaneta Prison, Venezuela

In a facility designed for only 700 prisoners, you can find 3,700 inmates crammed there. This goes to show the lack of funding and chronic understaffing is a problem, too. The ratio between guards and inmates is at 1:150 and so enforcing order is next to impossible. Gangs overpower the prison cells. It’s a hellish prison controlled by bloodthirsty and violent gangs.

Shinkawa Juvenile Hall in Japan

Seventh, on our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world is the Shinkawa Juvenile Hall in Japan. The Japanese are known for having very strict laws and a tough approach when it comes to sentencing, and the Shinkawa Juvenile Hall is one of the places where young offenders are kept. Due to a very strict approach to crime in Japan, anyone who commits a crime when they are under the age of 21 will be sent to the Shinkawa Juvenile Hall.

Shinkawa Juvenile Hall in Japan
Shinkawa Juvenile Hall in Japan

This is a highly controversial decision, and many people believe that it’s too extreme. The conditions at the prison are said to be extremely poor, and there are reports of prisoners being abused and neglected by the staff members.

Tada Jail in Osaka, Japan.

Eighth, on our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world is the Tada Jail in Osaka, Japan. This is a prison that has gained a lot of attention in recent years due to the terrible conditions that inmates are forced to live in. The prison is very old and dilapidated, and it’s said that the inmates are forced to live like pigs.

Osaka detention house
Osaka detention house

The prisoners have very limited access to hygiene facilities, and there are even reports of them being forced to share toothbrushes. The cells are also very dirty and unhygienic, and there have been reports of prisoners being forced to sleep with cockroaches on their bodies.

Black Dolphin Prison, Russia

Ninth, on our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world is Black Dolphin Prison, Russia. Russia is well recognized for its harsh and severe jail system. When a jail earns the distinction of being among the worst in the world, you know it’s on the verge of becoming horrible. Near the border with Kazakhstan, Black Dolphin is home to some of the nation’s most dangerous and seasoned criminals.

They consist of terrorists, cannibals, and pedophiles. The convicts come, handcuffed behind their backs and wearing blindfolds. This is a tactic to stop these inmates from staking out the jail, which will lessen their chances of escaping.

Black Dolphin Prison, Russia
Black Dolphin Prison, Russia

Eating, exercising, and using the bathroom are all activities that prisoners carry out in their cells. Prisoners will break down under these circumstances, and all hope will be gone.

Camp 22, North Korea

The tenth and last on our list of the top 10 worst prisons in the world is Camp 22, North Korea. It is one of the world’s political jails. Camp 22 has little resemblance to a concentration camp. It is sealed off from the rest of the world, and the convicts are imprisoned for life.

Camp 22, North Korea
Camp 22, North Korea

The complex is large and vast, covering approximately 87 square kilometers. It is surrounded by electric fencing and is guarded by armed guards. There are an estimated 50,000 detainees, with the majority of them imprisoned for criticizing the administration.

The vast majority of these convicts will spend the remainder of their lives in abject poverty. All of the inmates must work, performing physical duties with crude equipment. Aside from that, captives are subjected to great cruelty.


Despite the fact that many of us will never end up going to the worst prisons, it’s good to know that there are places out there that are working to rehabilitate and help prisoners reintegrate into society when they’re released.

Prisons can be scary places, and the last thing that any of us want is to spend our lives in one. These worst prisons are places that sound like nightmares, and if you ever find yourself in any one of them, you’d better hope that you can get out as soon as possible.

If you’re reading this, make sure you keep yourself out of trouble and stay out of these terrifying places.

Also Read about All Time Unsolved Mystery

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