Tuesday, March 11

Tag: Electric Plugs

Do You Know Why Electric Plugs Have Holes?

Do You Know Why Electric Plugs Have Holes?

We use different types of electric plugs in our daily life according to the devices. Everyone would have noticed the holes in the prongs of the plug, Have you? If you haven't then take a look over it, and let's try to figure out the reasons behind the holes in the prongs of the plug. Holes In The Electric Plugs Provides Better Grip There are different types of electric plugs we see in our home, Not every plug has holes in it. The small size plugs lack those holes as they are lightweight and can be fixed with less gripping. The modern sockets are made with bumps inside them which fit the sockets and help to fix the plug. The holes and the bumps provide stability to the plug and make it safe to unplug and plug. The manufacturer also gets profits using fewer metal sheets to make tho...