Wednesday, March 5

Different Types Of Ghosts


Different types of ghosts are seen by people around the world. Have you ever seen a ghost? The answer is still not accurate for this question. There are different theories that explain the existence of ghosts, but it is still not concluded that ghosts really exist.

We human beings have different sensations and sometimes we feel some negative energy around us, these sensations make our mind search for the abnormal things occurring around us, the feeling that someone is staring at us when there is no one around us, having weird experiences of facing someone who is no more accountable as living, seeing shadows and lights are very common words of people having paranormal experiences. Here we are going to open some chapters of the ghostly activities and discuss the different types of ghosts, hold your breath and stay with the facts ghosts.

1. The Interactive Personality Ghosts


These are the most common type of ghosts that reveals themself to others. If you have ever experienced seeing the dead people whom you know, then they must be interactive personality ghosts. These ghosts are kind of friendly or aggressive sometimes. There are different ways for them to reveal them, sometimes they smell like incense sticks, or cigarettes, and often like burning meat. Paranormal experts say that these types of ghosts retain their alive personalities even after their death. The reason why we see these ghosts are the affections and our thoughts that make them appear to us.

2. The Ecto-Mist

The Ecto-Mist
The Ecto-Mist

If you like wondering about graveyards and ancient old places then you must be alert, cause these types of ghosts love to move around courtyards, grounds, forests, graveyards, and historical places. Usually, these types of ghosts are seen in the form of smoke or cloudy-like things some feet above the ground and sometimes are seen as full-like body structures. They are seen in different colors like White, Gray, and sometimes in Black

3. The Poltergeist


These ghosts are the noisiest ghost of all types. We usually hear the sound of a door slamming, noise-making, crying, or shouting. These are the ways the poltergeist ghost haunts people. These are the rarest incident that ever happens. They are sometimes harmless but taken dangerous as well. They broke fire sometimes, they play with the lights. The word poltergeist itself represents noise. Anyway, these type of ghosts catches the attention of paranormal experts.

4. Orbs


These types of ghosts are mainly seen in eastern countries, they call it the ball of fire. They appear as transparent or translucent balls of light moving around the ground. People get amazed to see them rather than getting feared by these ghosts. They are often in circular shapes and move freely and fastly. There are mostly seen in photographs as they move fast and wander from place to place. The Orbs are taken as the soul of humans and even animals. The ball of light sometimes gets into full body structures. The color of the ball varies from to blue white. You will be lucky enough to capture them and see them on video.

5. Funnel Ghosts


The funnel ghosts are often seen in homes and ancient places. They are in the shape of a funnel or vortex. The experts take them as our loved ones trying to meet us. They appear as a wisp of light and are taken as a cold spot. These ghosts are mostly caught on cameras and photographs. There are many more pieces of evidence to prove that these ghosts exist in real life. If we go on a survey around our neighborhood we will eventually find the stories and evidence of funnel ghosts.

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