The seven Deadly Sins are a list of negative human traits that are considered to be universal. Since the 12th century, these have been seen as negative qualities that lead people towards vice and away from virtue. Each one of these sins is believed to have its own consequences in this world as well as the next.
The seven deadly sins are pride, envy, greed, gluttony, lust, anger, and sloth. If any of these things aren’t kept in check you might fall prey to one or more of them. We take a look at what they mean and how you can avoid them.
List of Seven Deadly Sins You should Keep Yourself Away From

Pride is one of the seven deadly sins, and it is often seen as a mark of immorality. Pride is an excessive sense of self-worth that leads to arrogance and narcissism. This can lead to feelings of superiority and entitlement. A person with pride cannot be humble, which is essential for a balanced spiritual life. Pride can also lead to anger and resentment, which can poison relationships.
When we are proud, we are not humble, and we cannot see things from other people’s perspectives. We want to feel good about ourselves, but we forget that other people may not have the same view of us. It causes us to judge them harshly and feel superior to them. We become proud when we begin to think that we are better than others in some way.
We may think that we deserve special treatment because of our achievements, education level, or wealth. We might also be insecure and afraid that others will judge us harshly if they know certain things about us. Pride can affect all aspects of our lives: in our relationships with family members and friends; at work; in our personal goals; and even in our spiritual life.

Envy, the desire for what someone else possesses, is, according to St. Thomas Aquinas, “the sorrow which arises from the frustration of the desire for another’s goods.” The desire may not be conscious, but even so, it will produce a state of anger and sorrow if it is not satisfied.
Envy is often associated with the idea of “keeping up with the Joneses” or the desire to have what others have, no matter what it is. Envy often has an element of pride in it as well, since it is often accompanied by the belief that the person who has what you don’t has it because they deserve it and you don’t.
Envy is also a very destructive deadly sin since it is entirely focused on what other people have and what you don’t, so it is impossible to focus on virtue while feeling it, making it one of the most dangerous sins.

Greed is the inordinate desire to possess and retain money, goods, and property, even when there is no need to do so. It is not merely the desire to possess more, but the desire to keep what one has and to get more, regardless of the cost to others.
Greed is not just a desire for money and material goods, but can also be applied to time, food, or any other resource or thing. It is the inordinate desire to have more of something, even when you don’t need it or even when it is harmful to have or keep.
Greed actually makes people blind to reason because it is so focused on getting more that it doesn’t consider the consequences. It is driven by the desire for more and nothing else which makes it a deadly sin.

Gluttony is the over-indulgence in food and drinks to the point of excess. It is not a specific type of food or drink that is forbidden, but the over-indulgence in all food and drink. Gluttony is the excessive desire for food, drink, or other pleasures to the point of neglecting one’s health and welfare.
Gluttony is often considered one of the seven deadly sins because it can lead to many other sins, such as drunkenness, which can lead to an increase in anger and other sins. Gluttony is not just the desire to eat more, but the desire to eat more than you need.
It is the desire to always have more food, to eat more often, and to eat larger portions than are truly necessary. Gluttony leads to an unhealthy and undisciplined life, in which one is never satisfied and always strives for more.

Desire is the longing for something or the wish for something to happen. It is not the same as greed, since it is not a desire for something you do not have, but rather a longing to have something specific. Desire is an important human emotion since it helps people to find what they really want in life, whether that is a person, a relationship, or a career. It can be a deadly sin if you can’t control your desires and go more into them.
Desire can also be applied to the desire for things or to the longing for perfection. Desire is as much a part of human nature as any other feeling, and can be a positive force for good if we learn to control it and direct it towards something useful rather than be controlled by it.
Anger ( Warth )

Anger is one of the seven deadly sins, it is the emotional response to what we see as a threat to our interests or our rights. It is often the result of feeling offended or having our pride hurt by the actions of another person or group. Anger is not always a bad thing, since it is often a healthy reaction to things that threaten our interests. But when it is not controlled, it can become a dangerous and destructive force in our lives.
Anger often leads to extreme actions and is usually uncharitable in nature. It is the desire to harm another person because they have harmed you. Anger can be overcome by learning to forgive, recognizing the irrationality of your feelings and trying to correct them, and by avoiding people who are likely to make you angry.

Sloth is the neglect of duty and the inactivity that comes from the desire to avoid work and effort. It is the refusal to do what is necessary, even when we have the ability to do so, and the failure to make use of our potential. Sloth often comes from the fear that we are not up to the task or from a sense of laziness.
Sloth can also result from discouragement when a person has tried to do good and failed. This sin is the most subtle of the seven deadly sins since it often takes the form of simply doing nothing when it is not laziness but the recognition that there is nothing one can do. And yet it is often the most destructive in the long run because it prevents us from making any progress toward virtue.
While these sins are often viewed as negative, they are a part of being human, and it is important to recognize them and be aware of them. Being aware of these sins can help you avoid them since they are often the product of ignorance of your own feelings.
When you are aware that you are experiencing one of these sins, you can take steps to deal with it and avoid being overcome by it. The only way to avoid the seven deadly sins is to avoid the seven deadly sins, and the only way to do that is to learn to recognize them when they are in you.
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